Radio Interview Microphone
Posted in Uncategorized

How My First Media Interview Works

Posted in Happiness Religion

Two Steps to Happiness

Posted in Constitution Human Rights Law

Socialism: The Law of the Jungle

Posted in Human Rights Law Natural Rights

Touring the Rights Cave, Hierarchy Cavern

Mental Complexity is Daunting
Posted in Happiness Logic

Logical Thinking for Better Understanding

Sprouting Sweet Potato
Posted in Temporal Rights

What I Learned from the Writers Conference

The Andromeda Galaxy
Posted in Religion

Why Am I Doing This Blog?

Rocks with rights
Posted in Human Rights Law Natural Rights

Even Rocks Have Rights

New York City Library
Posted in Human Rights Law Religion Religious Freedom

The Introduction to the Book

Posted in Constitution Human Rights Law Religion Religious Freedom

Jack Phillips: Victim of Church and State

Posted in Constitution Law Religion Religious Freedom

Church and State: an Oxymoron

Posted in Constitution Human Rights Natural Rights Rights Temporal Rights

Human Rights: How to Know Them

Canoe Seat Fabric
Posted in Constitution Human Rights Law Natural Rights

Rights: Threads of the Human Fabric

Posted in Human Rights Natural Rights Religion

The Physics of Morality

Posted in Happiness

Why Truth Escapes Us, Part 2

Posted in Law Religion

Here’s the Preface

Posted in Happiness

Why Truth Escapes Us, Part 1

Posted in Human Rights Law Logic

Abstraction: a Legislative Trap

Fire from spontaneous combustion
Posted in Culture Logic Truth

The Space Between Words and Their Meaning

New York City Library
Posted in Logic

The Blog and the Book

Posted in Happiness Religion

The Creation and Fathers’ Day

Statue of Justice holding balance scales
Posted in Logic Religion Religious Freedom

Believer – Nonbeliever: The False Dichotomy