I can do a lot better job,
As I write this challenging blog,
If those who read me,
Will also feed me,
Some question for this dialog.
We are all different and we communicate differently, so —
Contact Me This Way
Jackson is available and at your service by your preferred method:
- If you are in a hurry you can call or text me at (435) 851-5226, or
- Email me at jacksonpemberton@gmail.com or
- Tweet me @jacksnpemberton (note the missing “o” in “jacksn”), or
- Face me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jacksonpembertonblog, or
- Link to me here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacksonpemberton/, or
- Mail me a snail mail: HC 82 Box 1189, Duck Creek Village, UT, 84762, or
- Send me a message via the form below.
Or This Way —
You can send me a question or suggest a topic you would like me to address, or just make an observation. Who knows, I might think I have something useful to say about it.