Like I often send an email about an attachment that I fail to attach, that email you got on Easter was a bit of a glitch. I wrote it several days earlier and scheduled it to be sent the next morning and then found that I had an error in the Life After Death stories. I immediately unscheduled the email and determined that as soon as I had the correction in place I would send it.
The correction arrived Saturday night and Easter morning I corrected the Life After Death Section and hit the send button. Later in the day it came crushing down on me that I had momentarily ignored the most sacred day of the year

So I apologize for sending out an unfeeling, oblivious-to-what-day-it-was email Easter morning. Please forgive me as I know God will forgive this guy who is really trying but falling short in so many ways.

I truly hope you had a wonderful Easter Day and that your gratitude for the hope of the resurrection was full.

Thank you for your patience!

Jackson Pemberton
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