Over the years I have successfully engineered and built several grid-down solutions using an inexpensive solar system and old car batteries. These 12 volt DC systems include:
  • A walk-in food-storage "fridge" that uses outside cold air and a small fan - not very cold in the summer
  • An automatic ceiling fan that moves wood stove heat into the existing furnace vent system
  • A cheap way to keep your internet and Wi-Fi uninterrupted when the grid goes down
  • A $35 pump that puts your water storage into your full-house plumbing
  • A cheap way (about $30) to fire up your fridge and freezer from your stand-alone generator without spending hundreds of dollars on a commercial switch
  • A $180 furnace system that will at least keep your pipes from freezing
Read about them here: https://covenantsofthefather.com/simple-grid-down-house-up-systems/

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Jackson Pemberton
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