Categories & Tags

Here are the typical meanings of the categories and tags appearing in this blog (unless otherwise stated). If you have a suggestion, please send it along. My object is to facilitate discussion and thus improve our understanding of one another and our universe. Any help will be appreciated very much. Obviously I will have to make the final decision about any such things so I must reserve that right.

I use categories as a way to broadly index the topics I treat so they are a kind of scattered table of contents. Tags are more distinctly keywords that identify subtopics and are thus connections across categories.

A owl is wise about categoriesCategories

: Having to do with space and objects therein.

Church and State Content: This will probably be in the book when it is published.

Church and State: Having to do with the first two phrases of the first amendment.

Constitution: Having to do with the US Constitution.

Economic: Having to do with prices, costs, and transactions – including their broadest senses such as opening ones heart to a stranger may lead to a broken heart.

 Having to do with the production, transfer and consumption of forces that change things.

: Having to do with the physical structure, composition and nature of the earth or other objects in space.

 Having to do with physical features of a body in space (usually the earth), especially in regard to the impact or influence of those features (shape, chemistry, movement, etc.) on other related things including especially people.

 Having to do with contentment, peace of mind, feeling of worthiness, virtue and value/worth.

Human Rights: Having to do with the authority inherent in us, to exercise all our capabilities.

 Having to do with unconscious or automatic behaviors or reactions or natural tendencies to such.

Law: Having to do with legal matters, especially legislation and its effects.

 Having to do with the process of accurate thinking.

Philosophy: Having to do with the nature of reality, existence, or knowledge.

Physics: Having to do with the physical world and/or its properties and/or the laws that govern it.

Politics: Having to do with government and public affairs.

: Having to do with belief, faith and philosophy.

Science: Having to do with the advancement of knowledge through the scientific method.

Success: Having to do with accomplishment of objectives such as happiness, wealth, peace, etc.

Technology: Having to do with advanced, applied science; especially electronics, computers, etc.

Truth: Having to do with knowledge of things as they really are – knowledge that harmonizes with all other knowledge.


We use a lot more tags than these, but here is a list of our fundamental ones.

Abstraction: An imaginative process that wraps complexity in a simple package. A quality of dealing with ideas instead of the objects they represent.

Argument: A (hopefully) logical presentation attempting to convince. Not a conflict.

Atheist: One who believes in not(God).

Atonement: The power accrued by Jesus Christ through unjust suffering, to make mercy overcome justice for those who covenant with him to obey and defend him in all things.

Believer: Narrowly: one who believes in God. Broadly: one who believes something, i.e. everyone.

Bible: Probably the King James version unless otherwise noted.

Blessing: An advantage or gift usually from God.

ChurchAndState: Involved in the separation of church and state issue.

Commandment: A law from God, or an instruction that requires obedience.

Commitment: A firm decision to adhere to a specific course of action.

Counsel: Advice, or to advise.

Dilemma: A circumstance wherein there is an apparent contradiction, especially where a perceived impossibility clearly exists. A perplexity or conundrum. Example: Why doesn’t an atom collapse?

Faith: A belief strong enough to induce and/or control action.

God: A divine being, super-intelligent alien or worshipped thing.

Gospel: The “good news” covering the divine plan which gave rise to our present state including the universe – especially the transcendent power of the atonement.

Grace: The willingness of God to love, bless and exalt while overlooking shortcomings, inadequacies, and failures.

Happiness: The state of contentment, self-worth, peace of mind, cheerfulness.

Hope: An expectation whether based on knowledge or faith.

Inspiration: See Revelation.

Love: A caring and affection focused on someone or something with passion strong enough to induce and control action.

Man: An instance of the human species.

Obedience: Putting one’s behavior in harmony with any sort of law or principle.

Peace: A state of mind and heart where there is little or no anxiety about one’s physical, emotional and spiritual safety.

Prophet: A person who receives inspiration or revelation about the future.

Prostitution: Trading a virtue for money and/or power.

Revelation: Thoughts, ideas, plans, or facts received from God, whether directly or indirectly.

Separation of Church and State: The legal and political issue.

Solution: A harmonizing of a dilemma or a method to accomplish a goal.

Trial: A difficult challenge to one’s composure, peace of mind or circumstances.

Truth: Knowledge of things as they really are.

Jackson Pemberton
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